Dear customers,
it is a great honor for me that you subscribed to my catalog of botanical plant species. I collect, clean and pack all the offered seeds exclusively myself, especially in autumn there is a lot of work, so sometimes I don’t have enough time. The first collections are dated back to the beginning of the new millennium and since then it has changed significantly. To achieve good quality, I have implemented a seed storage system, similar to large seed banks. As my aim is to deliver you the most viable and germinating seeds, of the highest quality. Please note, items in the catalog are constantly updated and new species are added throughout the year. Sold species are discarded. Some of the species are only in limited quantities. If you order more species of one kind, it may not be delivered to your full satisfaction, due to limited quantity. You will be informed of this in reply to the order. I collect seeds only in small quantities, it is mainly a hobby for me. This site is not a commercial affair. Therefore, I apologize in advance to all traders. I am neither able nor willing to supply large quantities of seeds, eg in kilograms.
For actual orders or any questions, please use this email address: [email protected], or eventually send me a list of selected seed by regular mail. Please do not forget to add delivery address.
I am often away from home, I spend a lot of time in nature, therefore please be patient, if you do not get an immediate response to your order. As soon as possible I will send you actual price, payment instructions and delivery information for your order.
Payment can be made as follows:
- Bank transfer
- PayPal
- PayPal – credit/debit card payment (We accept: VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER and AMERICAN EXPRESS cards).
You can find the information on the CONTACT page, but you will also receive the same in response to the order.
Cost for postage to all countries (excluding the Czech Republic), including all charges:
- bank transfer (payment in Euro) – 6.00 Euro
- bank transfer (payment in another currency) – 10.00 Euro
- PayPal payment – 6.00 Euro
- PayPal credit/debit card payment – 6.00 Euro
- US customers – 10.00 Euro
Seeds are distributed from the Czech Republic.
Customers from Czech Republic will receive separate delivery terms in response to an order or on request (communication in Czech).
Seeds are always delivered as a „Registered Shipment – Priority“.
Upon sending, you will receive registration number of your shipment and tracking URL where you can follow the state of your shipment.
The shipment is automatically insured against loss, but only up to total EUR 32.00.
IIf you require insurance for the full value of your order (if it is higher), state this when sending your order. The service fee is EUR 5.00. I am only liable for my work, in no case I am responsible for the loss or damage of the shipment during transport.
Some countries customs or quarantine authorities may not accept shipments that do not have the correct documentation to import the seed. They may send to shipment back, destroyed or recover the additional cost from the importer. Unfortunately, we do not know all quarantine restrictions that may be applicable to your country or state therefore all orders are shipped on the understanding that we have no control over any restrictions whatsoever and this responsibility is with the purchaser.
Countries with special customs legislation: Australia, New Zealand.
Seeds can be sent to the above-listed countries only at the customer’s own risk. Customs ofice may detain the shipment and not allow it to enter the country and it will be returned to the Czech Republic or destroyed. The shipment cannot be insured.
US Customers:
The United States now requires a „Small Seed Lot Permit“ to import seed. This is free and can be completed online by visiting: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/planthealth/import-information/permits/plants-and-plant-products-permits/plants-for-planting/ct_smalllots_seed
We strongly recommend you obtain an permit to import small seed lots to ensure they pass through your customs unhindered.
I’m sorry, the seeds can’t be sent to Japan.
I do not issue phytosanitary certificates for seeds.
I am very sorry, there are more and more dishonest people and that is why I send the seeds only after paying for them. Thank you for your understanding.
Origin of the seeds offered
Seeds are collected from plants grown under cultivated conditions.
The following information can be found on the supplied package with seeds:
- genus and species name of the plant
- recommended sowing time (Sowing II-IV = recommended sowing time February to April)
- information how to store actual species
For more information please see page for actual seed in catalog.
All seeds should be kept in a refrigerator at 5°C for a short time (weeks, months), except for seeds with special instructions. For long-term storage (years) please contact me directly, I will provide you with more information.